Sunday, 5 January 2014

How to Create a Bootable USB Flash drive without any software

Create bootable usb flash drive
In this ocassion, I would like to give you a tutorial How to Create a Bootable USB Flash drive,If you don't have a DVD drive on your computer,Installing windows through flash drive is the first option.There are many software that provide you to create a Bootable usb flash drive.Yes it is very simple and easy ..But for you are cmd user probably like this tutorial,Because this tutorial will teach you How to Create Bootable usb flash drive without any software but through CMD,of course.

First,Prepare the USB Flashdrive and ISO Installer,After that insert the usb flash drive to your computer and after detected Open Run (Win + R) >> Type diskpart and press Enter

step 1 run diskpart

Windows CMD diskpart will be opened,type list disk >> Enter

cmd diskpart window

And then,find your flash drive diskpart ,you can find from the size of your flash drive .for example My usb flash drive is Disk 2

After that,type select disk 2  >> Enter

step 2 create a bootable usb flashdrive

Type clean and then press enter to remove partiton,system files,and saved data from the flash drive.make sure the diskpart cleaning process is success

step 3 create a bootable flash drive

After that type create partition primary >> Enter .Make sure this proccess is success
step 4 create a bootable flash drive

And then make the partition as active by type active >> Enter.Make sure the partition activated

step 5 create a bootable flash drive

Format the partiton with FAT32 system file by type format fs=fat32 label=*Up to you* quick >> Enter
step 6 create a bootable flash drive

After Done,So your flash drive became an active primary partition and bootable.Close cmd windows diskpart by type exit

Now ,you just mount your ISO installer and then copy the file from your iso to your flash drive

step 7 create a bootable flash drive

After the copy proccess is done,So your flash drive is ready to install windows

Ok I think this tutorial How to Create a Bootable USB Flash drive without any software is not complicate and easy to understand.All of you can try this tutorial so don't be affraid to learn about computer.Because this era is the era of information

That's all for today .Maybe it can add our knowledge and Don't forget share and leave comment below HOPE IT USEFULL

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