Saturday, 27 June 2015

Simple ways to reduce game pc lag 2015

fix game lag on pc
Okey. If you click this article, it means that you have a problem when you play your favorite game. Many gamers in the world want to play their favorite games, but he can't make it real. Because, it is needed a high specification of computer to make it smooth. And if you want to get the high specification of your computer you must have much money to buy it. Popular games like assassin's creed,far cry 4,the witcher 3,GTA V,watch dogs etc is needed a computer with high specification.

At this moment, I would like to give you simple ways How to reduce game pc lag. The Simple way to reduce games lag is by either the lowering the performance settings for the given games or by upgrading certain parts of your computer. this simple way is going to help you to reduce game lag.
for detailed information:

First Method is setting your game pc into lowest graphic setting

1.Start the game that experiencing lag

2.Find an options once on the game has finished loading,and then select the graphics option

3.reduce you resolution and texture resolution until you find a right spot at which the game runs smoothly enough for you,while still retaining acceptable graphics.

4.Don't activate the anti-aliasing and anistropic filtering features if you suspect your graphics card is the limiting factor

5.Use your Windows Task Manager to turn off or deactivate unnecessary programs while you are playing the game. This frees up extra RAM, which can be used by the game you're playing..

NB:Frees up extra RAM,I give a solution for you to use Razer game booster,because the software can automactically disable unneccessary programs while you are playing the can download razer game booster here

Second Method is Upgrade your Computer specification

Yup,Upgrade the computer specification is the best solution to launch your games smoothly

I recommend you to have this computer specification

OS : Windows 7 32 bit
Processor : Intel Core i3 2.4 GHz or AMD Equivalent
HDD : 250 GB
VGA : Ati Radeon HD 7730 1 GB or Higher Performance /NVidia GT 630 2GB

I think with this specification you can running games smoothly

1.Check the system requirements for the game or games you will be playing.
To check the system requirements games, visit or can you run it because this web provides many kind of specification of the games. You want to be sure that you upgrade all of components of your computer where your system is lacking. You can search this information printed on the box or even online from a technology merchant or discount store (wherever you purchased the software).

  • Focus on the recommended system requirements, rather than the minimum system requirements. When upgrading, it is usually best to get a bit more than you think you need at the moment so that you will not need to upgrade again for a while.

2.Look at what hardware your current system has by open cmd and then tap dxdiag.
The General tab will tell you what processor you are running and how much RAM you have.and what the type of your GPU

  • Determine what hardware of your computer need to be upgraded by comparing  the recommend system requirements for the games you want to play. Usually, needs more Random Access Memory or upgrading your graphics card will be sufficient to reduce lag. Sometimes, your processor may be out of date, in which case you would probably need to upgrade that as well as getting a new motherboard. If your computer is that old, it is usually best to buy or build a new computer.

There are many ways to reduce game lag ,Maybe you have an another solution.But the purpose to reduce game lag is not helpful and needed a much money to buy a high computer specification. Yes,That's all for this time I hope you understand what I share.HOPE IT USEFULL
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